The original copy is made of the same material as the original. Compared with high-tech products, the technical content of leather bags is relatively low, and the process includes oil wrapping, embossing, threading and wrapping, so this kind of imitation is not much different from the genuine ones. The difference between a genuine copy and a genuine one lies in the rigor of the product. The production technology and quality inspection of genuine products are strict, while the replica products are mass-produced, and the production and quality inspection are not so strictly controlled.
The word duplicate comes from the description of A Ying, a famous novelist in China, in Xiao Yan (1935). In this article, it is clearly stated that the difference between the replica version and the replica version is that the replica version is slightly different from the original content after being modified, edited and proofread by the replica, while the replica version is almost the same as the original.
From the 1960s to the present, the term "replica edition" has always represented high-end products (common in prosperous areas such as Hong Kong and Taiwan). Although it has been abused by some unscrupulous merchants (claiming to be a replica version, there is no obvious change compared with the original version), it is impossible to change its meaning.
The word "replica edition" is very popular now, including replica edition of jeans, replica edition of handbags, replica edition of watches, replica edition of lighters, and even replica edition of video games and replica edition of online celebrity's song "Courtship". "Replica Edition" seems to be a carrier of old culture and old life. This popularity seems to show that everyone likes to find some fun from the past.
Brand-name replicas are always hung in the most eye-catching position in the store, standing proudly and becoming the treasure of the town store. Although some people "don't understand" this kind of old-fashioned thing, it is expensive and often limited edition, which obviously isolates laymen.