Preset difficulty
Demon Hunter
Legendary dark knight
Pre-set figure clothes
Nero preset/prototype Nero
Dante's presupposition/legendary dark knight
Virgil preset/legendary dark knight
Ladies' Preset/Classic (DLC)
Trish preset /Gloria (DLC)
Unlock project
Humans: Unknown
Demon Hunters: Dissolve the sons of Sparta, bloody palaces, galleries and related projects.
Son of Sparta: Dissolve Dante Mustadi, dissolve heaven or hell.
Dante must die: except hell and hell, super role
Legendary dark knight: none
Heaven or Hell: No.
Hell and Hell: No.
Blood Palace: There is no data based on DMC4 (original version), so the super role should be removed.
Super role
Dante must die. Whoever finishes Nero/Dante will cancel Super Nero and Super Dante.
Dante must die, and whoever finishes Virgil's game will cancel Super.
Dante must die, who finished the Lady/Trish game and didn't release anything. This female role has no super role.
Old clothes
Killing 20 enemies in the curtain call screen can unlock the corresponding EX clothing.
Nero/Dante: Unlock Nero and Dante's EX clothes.
Virgil: Untie Virgil's old clothes.
Lady/Triash: According to the decision of the operator at the curtain call, if the evaluation of task 20 is S and A, operate Lady, B and C to operate Trish.
Extra ending animation
Killing 40 enemies with the curtain call screen will remove the redundant ending animation.
The movie summary of this work is not an unlocking project.
The version containing the movie feature is a limited download feature, and it is speculated that the regular version will be released later.
answer to a curtain call
Prequel doesn't mean you can be a novice.
Demon hunter:
I guess you're not a casual gamer.
Son of Sparta:
You know how to make me look good!
Dante must die:
You've got some big devil balls!
The legendary dark knight:
You are unique, son!
Heaven or hell:
Dude, you need to get out more!
Thank you for your participation! See you next time! (Japanese interface)
Thank you for your participation! Until we meet again ...? (English interface)
Hell and hell:
That's what I call making a lot of trouble!
Thank you for your participation! See you next time! (Japanese interface)
Thank you for your participation! Until we meet again ...? (English interface)
Gallery correlation
The history of DMC: disbanded with the gallery
Clear the prize art: release the first picture with the gallery under the following conditions.
Character images: publishing with gallery
Popularizing art: it is unknown at present, and it is speculated that Nero/Dante has completed all the difficulties.
The art of clearing bonuses:
Nero/Dante removes a picture from each difficulty.
Virgil only has one photo.
Lady/Trish only has one photo.