The costume at the funeral is not only an external expression, but also covers people's inner feelings and psychological state. Mid-term clothing embodies people's mourning for the dead, cherishing life and respecting social traditions. In the funeral, people wear appropriate clothes, which is not only respect for the deceased, but also respect and care for life and human society. Therefore, when choosing Chinese clothes, we should follow the etiquette norms and be decent, which not only reflects our respect, but also reflects our quality and cultivation.
During the funeral period, the dress code of mid-term clothing is very important, which is a cultural inheritance and social norm. In the funeral, people wear appropriate mid-term clothes, which not only shows respect for the deceased, but also respects and inherits traditional culture. In modern society, some people will dress inappropriately, behave inappropriately and lack respect for tradition, which is a disrespect for funeral etiquette and a manifestation of advocating individuality and ignoring basic social norms. Therefore, wearing Chinese clothes should conform to the etiquette norms, which is not only the performance of social behavior, but also the respect for funeral and rules.