In fact, any sport, athletes' clothing design is very careful. Of course, the jumpsuit of female athlete C is no exception. As we all know, exercise C is a sport that pays great attention to graceful and smooth movements. Therefore, this sport requires athletes in sport C not to wear too loose clothes, because if athletes in sport C wear loose clothes to compete, the referee will not see the movements of athletes in sport C, so athletes in sport C should wear close-fitting clothes. Then why do female C athletes wear jumpsuits? In fact, the answer to this question is also very simple, that is, jumpsuits can prevent athletes' clothes from falling off. As we all know, C-body athletes need to do all kinds of difficult movements, such as somersault, which is the most basic movement, and friends who have done somersault know that when doing somersault landing, athletes' clothes are usually easy to fall off because of the influence of strength, if they are not tight enough. Therefore, in order not to let female C athletes have such concerns, female C athletes need to wear close-fitting jumpsuits instead of other clothes. But objectively speaking, in the eyes of some sports fans, female athletes wearing such clothes will give people an embarrassing feeling, but this is actually their professional requirement.
Finally, to sum up, there are two main reasons why female C athletes wear jumpsuits in the competition. The first reason is that body C exercise itself is a very intense exercise, which requires athletes to concentrate on the action and not worry about clothes, such as clothes not falling down casually; The second reason is that the most important thing in body C sports is to watch the athletes' movements, so women's body C athletes can't wear loose clothes, because then the referee can't see the movements of women's body C athletes clearly.