What goods are there in Shanghai Chonggu receiving warehouse?
Shanghai Qingpu has electronics, electrical appliances, household appliances, clothing, daily necessities, auto parts, food, 3C, biotechnology, fast-moving consumer goods, equipment, e-commerce, medicine, logistics and warehousing. Warehouse details: Qingpu Chonggu Logistics Park, Class C warehouse, warehouse area: 35,000m2, leased area: 5,500m2, warehouse height:10m, platform height:1.35m, platform width: 6m, warehouse load: 3t, warehouse site: 40m by 250m. Number of platforms: 4 doors are set in each partition, fire protection systems: Class C and Class II are equipped with fire sprinklers, and warehouse facilities: office, security room and monitoring room, with security guards on duty 24 hours a day.