When Gao saw Zhong, why did he always respect Zhong? These reasons are believed to have been found in the play. Gao is not only afraid of clocks, but also respectful to her.
Because Gao himself is very clear, the clock can decide Gao's life in one sentence.
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It is reported that the project director of a national ministry accepted millions of bribes. When Hou Liangping, director of the investigation department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Anti-Corruption General Administration, came to search, he saw an "old farmer" with simple appearance and simple clothes eating slag noodles in a shabby old house.
When the mask of this corrupt element was finally torn off, Ding, the vice mayor of Jingzhou City (virtual place name), which is closely related to the case, escaped the legal sanctions and went into exile with the help of a mysterious figure.
The clue of the case is finally located in the equity competition of a state-owned Dafeng garment factory in Han Dong Province triggered by Jingzhou Guangming Peak Project, but the political forces involved are intertwined and confusing.