The symbol of "mL" should be written as "ml". Milliliter is unit of volume, milliliter corresponds to cubic centimeter, 1 milliliter is equal to 1 cubic centimeter. The ratio of milliliter to liter: 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliter. In daily life, liters are mostly used to measure the amount of water, oil, drinks and other liquids.
L and M, XL and XXL all represent clothing sizes, where M stands for medium, L stands for large, XL stands for oversized, and XXL stands for oversized.
When milliliters are used for measurement:
1 liquid less than 1 liter is generally expressed in milliliters. For example, a bottle of commonly used mineral water is 500ml, which is almost the size of a mineral water bottle or smaller than mineral water.
2, a relatively small amount of liquid, such as eye drops, cough syrup and other drugs, sewing machine oil.
3, accurate measurement, such as measuring cylinder, beaker and other instruments used in the experiment and their liquids.
There are two styles of ordinary clothes:
One is S (small), M (medium), L (large), XL (large); The second is the form of height plus bust, such as 160/80A, 165/85A, 170/85A, etc. The first label is not standard. Whether domestic or imported clothing, models must be marked according to China's clothing model standard GB/T 1335, and English letters can only be used as auxiliary codes.