Interpretation of coronation ceremony: ancient crown clothes of doctors and above. Ji Li is crowned, and clothes vary with things. According to "Li Zhou Guan Chun Four Fu", "Ji Fu: If you worship the gods, you will be crowned with a big robe and worship the five emperors; Enjoy the coronation of the late king; Enjoy the first shot and be crowned; Looking around the mountains and rivers, it is a crown; Five sacrifices to serve the country are blessings; Small sacrifices are mysterious. " "Tai Jia Zhong Shu": "Yi Yin is crowned and the king belongs to Bo." On Mandarin and Zhou Yu: "King Taizai was crowned." Zhao Wei's note: "Crown, big crown; Clothing, clothing. " "History of the Song Dynasty Imperial Records IV" says: "Because of worshipping ghosts and gods, coronation is the rule."
Word decomposition
Interpretation of the crown: the hat worn by the ancient emperors and officials above doctoral level in China, which later refers to the crown of the emperor: crown. Coronation. Defending the title (defending the crown on the head of the defending emperor means maintaining the supreme ruling power of the emperor or maintaining the title of the last champion in sports competitions). Number of strokes:; Radical: qi; Interpretation of Pen Clothing → Clothing: Clothing. Uniforms. Dressing: mourning. Take (a) refers to wearing clothes and utensils; B. Take medicine) Serve. Serve time. Military service. Obedience: convincing. Admire. Health (clothes). Plead (always confess) obedience (remember, really believe).