Skateboarding backpacks have many general functions. Skaters can consider a backpack of suitable size according to their personal situation. Generally, tools such as wrenches, simple spare parts such as clothes, spare tires and bearings are put in the bag. If it is big enough, put on a pair of shoes.
Protective equipment
Skateboard protective gear includes helmet, knee pads, wrist pads (elbow pads), etc. Recommended for beginners or difficult movements. You need protective gear in general competitions.
1. Helmet: A good quality helmet is your most important safety device. If you don't wear a helmet when playing scooter, you can recover quickly from scratch and sprain, but head injury will greatly affect your later life.
2. Knee pads: The most significant invention for knee pads is the invention of plastic knee pads. It's better to wear any knee pads than not to wear them.
3. Gloves: Skateboard gloves come in many shapes and sizes. In the United States and Japan, some people use motorcycle gloves as skateboard gloves, and some people use gardening gloves instead. The ideal glove is to fit your hand and protect it from injury when you fall.
4. Wrist protection (elbow protection): Like knee protection, wrist protection with plastic brim is the best wrist protection, and there are many substitutes for the same function.