Compared with the two, Jiu-Er has its own characteristics. People from the north of Gong Li have an advantage over Zhejiang people in Zhou Xun. Drinking Yellow River water is more spicy and unrestrained than drinking Yangtze River water. From the appearance, Gong Li is suitable for the "Jiu-Er" recognized by the public. She is primitive and wild, and her heart is restless. The Shandong girl is passionate. Zhou Xun is very beautiful. It's like walking through a rainy lane in the south of the Yangtze River with an oil-paper umbrella. The color is much clearer than that in Gong Lili. Personality analysis shows that Gong Li is "restless" and Zhou Xun is "rebellious". In terms of age, Gong Li's Jiu-Er is in his early twenties, which is not much different from the novel description. However, Zhou Xun, who has no trace of time, has played Jiu-Er for 40 years. Although she is newly married, it is an indisputable fact that she doesn't look so old.
After Zhou Xun's appearance, Jiu-Er, a beautiful female aunt of Double Flowers, wrote: "Grandma has a shiny braid behind her back and a heavy silver lock around her neck. Swing your hands and bend over when you walk, just like catkins swaying in the wind. Zhou Xun has a delicate face interwoven with classical and modern. She is clear and sweet. She met Zhang Junjie Nana Ogawa, a foreign student, and fell in love while cutting paper. Her bad father sells her mother, and her mother dies. Her expressions and feelings are complicated, and Zhou's acting skills are superb.
When Gong Li's "Jiu-Er" came out, the bride got married, demure Leng Yan, and was fooled by the chair. Young Gong Li's temperament and beauty are like wine. She is strong and strong, relying on the close-up performance of her face, without the heaviness, boldness and boldness of her movements. After 80s, Gong Li became the most beautiful female image of China exported by China to the world.
In the dense sorghum field, Jiu-Er's true love came. Gong Li's version of Jiu-Er is completely passive, facing the old man's husband is painful, and he suffers from fear, tears, excitement, excitement and leprosy. Now occupied by strong and wild young long-term workers, Gong Li is portrayed very realistically and wonderfully.
In the same short story, Zhou Xun answered Yu Zhanao's I Sleep with You first. I have leprosy. Besides, I don't like you. In the face of male rudeness, she first resisted, then took the initiative, and then enjoyed it. At this time, the admirable "popularity, fishy, and immortal" seems to have appeared. There are many modern elements in it. Otherwise, all the women who lived in the hometown of Confucius and Mencius in the 1930s were easy virtue.