Wp-config.php file is the configuration file of wordpress website, which contains database information and language information of wordpress. Wp-config.php is not a built-in file, but a file created automatically during installation.
This is the configuration file that really connects WordPress and MySQL databases. Although it is not included in the default installation, users need to edit this file to change the relevant settings, because WordPress needs this file to run.
Extended data:
Method for modifying wp-config.php path of configuration file:
Purpose of modification: wp-config.php is placed outside the root directory of the virtual path, which makes it impossible for general permissions to download and obtain files, thus improving security.
1, wp-load.php in the root directory of WordPress, modify the following four places and change it to his own address, for example, change it to a higher level directory, and then change it to' .. /wp-config.php'.
2. WP-admin/includes/network.php. Just change the following two places as above. After modification, save the two files and delete the wp-config.php in the root directory.