Also called "other people's advice".
Returning, Jin invaded Shen, was praised by Shen Zi, and learned wisdom, fan and Han. The gentleman said, "Take good advice!" -"Zuo Zhuan Cheng Gong Eight Years"
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zheng was a small country. In order to defend the state of Chu, a Covenant was signed with the State of Jin. In the second year of the alliance, Chu invaded Zheng. Jin had an appointment first, so he sent troops to rescue him. On the way, I met the Chu army, and the Chu army retreated without a fight. Zhao, the general of the Jin Dynasty, advocated taking the opportunity to seize the Cai land of Chu. They urged Marshal Luan Shu to order the action, but the "Chinese military assistant" knew that Zhuangzi would not let Marshal Luan Shu send troops, and said, "The Chu army has retreated, and Zheng has turned the corner. Let's not attack Chu." Marshal Luan Shu felt justified and resolutely ordered the troops to withdraw from the State of Jin.
In this regard, "Zuo Zhuan" praised Luan Shu's move as "learning from others"!
"Good advice" means listening to good and correct opinions, as fast and natural as running water.